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Carver Co. Kölsch

By June 19, 2016 No Comments

Waconia-Brewing-Company-Carver-County-Kolsch-final-logoCARVER CO. KÖLSCH

A classic German ale originating from Cologne Germany. Expect a crisp, refreshing light bodied ale with some hop flavor and bitterness. Our lightest offering weighing in at 5.1% ABV and IBU near 22, hopped with American Mount Hood and Hallertau Mittelfruh and a simple grain bill to allow the German Ale yeast to shine. Great to enjoy year round with chips and salsa or your favorite fish dish.

Grain: Pilsner Malt, Wheat, Munich
Hops: American & German
ABV: 5%
IBU: 20-23

Give this beer a try at Waconia Brewing Company.