The lemon citrusy hop profile is noticeable but pleasant, thanks to loads of whirlpool and dry hop additions.
A Pale-Cream hybrid with surprising citra hop flavor, medium in body, medium hop bitterness and aroma.
Locally grown and harvested hops are used to produce a fresh hop aroma and flavor with floral, citrus, and pine notes.
This jet black, opaque ale offers a smooth roasted flavor with notes of coffee and cocoa which last into the finish.
This is a mildly-hopped, easy-drinking pint, that is malt-focused with an initial sweetness and a roasted dryness in the finish.
This golden-amber colored beer is brewed with heavy amounts of six row barley and only lightly hopped for a balanced flavor.
Spiced with coriander and sea salt to balance the malt sweetness with the tart and salty flavors.
Combination of English Maris Otter malt and Vienna malt give it a nice tan color and biscuitty malt profile, while Simcoe hops provide a pine flavor with hints of sweet fruit.